Higher Secondary Plus One Business Studies Notes, Questions, Answers

Plus One Business Studies

The study notes provided below are compiled with the help of professors and teachers with experience of over 20+ years. All important topics of each subject have been covered by these plus one notes. These +1 notes will provide you an overview of all the chapters and important points to note.

Hand Book for HSS Students

by District Panchayaths (Business Studies)

The PDF notes would enhance students exam preparation for an organized presentation of the answers. As it is differently prepared for all subjects in each batch, it would be much helpful to all students. Click the link to download the notes.

Kanoor Dist. Panchayath Kannur Dist. Panchayath 2023_1.1Mb
Malappuram District Panchayath 10kb
Wayanad District Panchayath 78mb

Higher Secondary Text Book

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Chapter Wise Materials

*Beberapa pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan oleh pembeli. Selengkapnya